Yoga and Jiu Jitsu – the ultimate match?
You might be one of the millions that have attended a yoga class and probably did it for the physical benefits or to rest your mind. However, as well as these popular benefits, Yoga can provide so much more than we are even aware of.
Yoga is an old discipline from India and taps into both your physical and spiritual capabilities. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation to promote health and relaxation of the mind.
Yoga classes vary, depending on the particular type of yoga and tradition of the teacher or academy. The classes often offer mats to the participants to practice yoga.
A common yoga class typically includes:
- An introduction to what’s going to happen, often including some breathing exercises and/or relaxation
- A Physical warm-up
- Yoga positions, movements and stretches
- Relaxation and/or meditation.
In meditation, the participants usually practice either on cushions on the mats or seated on chairs. A dedicated meditation class typically includes: - An introduction possibly including breathing exercises, relaxation and the teacher helps the participants by talking them through the class
- A number of mental focusing and meditation practices
Returning to an outward focus and brief discussion

How can yoga benefit my jiu jitsu?
Yoga and Jiu jitsu complement each other immensely as they both are physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines. They have also proven to decrease high blood pressure, depression and other physical diseases.
According to the National Institute of Health yoga has been proven to relieve low-back pain and neck pain issues, It also can assist in respiratory conditions such as asthma.
Yoga can really assist you in your jiu jitsu when it comes to flexibility. We all want to be more flexible, right? And you’ve probably noticed how important flexibility is for you BJJ training, especially in open guard and for guard recovery. All great open guard players have incredible flexibility, so try yoga out if you would like to improve your guard!

There is plenty of benefit by mixing jiu jitsu with yoga! Check out The Best yoga studios in Sydney for Jiu Jitsu from the Wellness Guide – If you would like to implement yoga in your training.
Bruno Alves
SJJA Founder
See you on the mats!